Yan Oi Tong Clarea Au Eldergarten

Yan Oi Tong is one of the six major charity organisations in Hong Kong. Since the 1930s, it has established Chinese medicine clinics, providing free medical services to poverty and unpriveledged people in the community. The mission of Yan Oi Tong is to provide welfare, education, medical care, health and sports services to the public with the purpose of “considering the elderly and supporting the young, promoting education and talents, helping the poverty and enhancing the community relationship.” As time pass by, the population ageing problem is getting more serious and increase in Alzheimer’s patiens. Our church is fully supported by the Kao Kun Charitable Foundation to launch the Yan Oi Tong Clarea Au Eldergarten to provide day care and comprehensive training. At the same time, it also provides counseling and home-care training for patients’ families.

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