Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia

The objective of Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia is to delay the impact of dementia on the aging society through innovative research, education, promotion and promotion of effective prevention and treatment methods, so that all the elderly can avoid the suffering of dementia and enjoy their old age life.

We believe that this goal can be achieved through the following channels:

Educate the public that dementia is a disease that can be prevented, and raise the public’s awareness of and awareness of the disease
Find out the risk and protective factors of Chinese suffering from dementia
Develop advanced diagnostic tools to diagnosis dementia before it appears
Conduct clinical tests to find effective drugs and non-drug treatments for preventing dementia
Cooperate with all walks of life, through research, education and professional training, to promote the message of attention to the prevention of dementia

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