Chung Shak-hei (Cheung Chau) Home for the Aged, Ltd. Day Care Centre for the Elderly

Chung Shak-hei (Cheung Chau) Home for the Aged was founded in 1969 by the Chau Township Committee. The Committee initiated and promote the establishment of an Elderly Home in Cheung Chau before they disovled. The first donar was Mr. Zhong Chang and therefore, the elderly home was named Chung Shak-hei (Cheung Chau) Home for the Aged. In 1984, we reconstituted as a limited company and applied to the Government for registration , officially becoming a non-profit-making service organization . We set up various types of institutions and centres to provide non-profit-making services. To implement and promote various social services and charitable work, and to provide appropriate and quality services so that the elderly can be properly cared for and respected.

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