Jockey Club Cadenza Hub

As the population of Hong Kong continues to age, the demand for social services and medical care continues to increase. Located in Tai Po, the “Jockey Club Cadenza Hub” is a pilot service sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and is managed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

“Jockey Club Cadenza Hub” is a comprehensive service center operating in a self-financing model. It incorporates the concept of “medical and social integration” in the form of case management, and is supported by university partners provide a cross-sector professional team, including social workers, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists, and provide one-stop physical and mental health management or make appropriate referrals for the elderly.

The service targets of the center are middle-aged to the elderly. It is committed to promoting the concept of grassroots health, raising public awareness of health, and assisting service users to cultivate and promote a healthy lifestyle and improve their personal lifestyle habits.

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