Neighbourhood Advice Action Council

Established in 1968 after a large-scale social conflict by enthusiasts, the Neighbourhood Counselling Association has set up “Neighborhood Centres” in densely populated and poor areas to provide counselling services to residents of all walks of life and serve as a bridge between residents and the Government. We continue to self-fund the implementation of neighbourhood centres in troubled communities and have been funded by the Social Welfare Department since 1978 to implement a number of neighbourhood-level community development programmes in chalets, front houses, boat sheds and rural areas. In response to the needs of the community, the Council has diversified its services by setting up aged care centres and children’s centres in 1982 and 1989 respectively to serve the elderly and children. In 1992, we set up our own innovative outreach service centre for the elderly, and in 1994 extended our service to the Mainland. In response to the changing times, the Council provides one-stop integrated services, such as the Launch of the Dong Chung Integrated Service Centre in 2001 and the opening of Ysin Heights and Eyre Heights in 2009 and 2013 respectively. At present, the Council provides family and children, young people, the elderly, rehabilitation, community development, the Mainland, education and medical services, and operates a total of 80 social enterprises.

1 Comment

  1. Bill Chan

    staff are nice.

    Overall Rating: 4 / 5

    Professional Rating: 3 / 5

    Service Quality Rating: 4 / 5

    Cost Rating: 3 / 5


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Overall Average Rating: 4/5

Professional Average Rating: 3/5

Service Quality Average Rating : 4/5

Cost Average Rating : 3/5