The Yuen Yuen Institute – Yuen Yuen Nursing Home cum Day Care Centre for the Elderly (Lei Muk Shu Estate)

Yuen Yuen Institute aims to promote the three religions, filial piety, loyalty, loyalty, faith, etiquette, righteousness, integrity, and shame, so as to correct people’s hearts and change customs. The Social Service Department of Yuen Yuen College adheres to the three teachings, eight virtues, and years of development. From focusing on services for the elderly, it now encompasses multiple services for social enterprises, women, children, communities, and disadvantaged groups; A unit with a dozen employees in Yuanxuan Home for the Elderly has grown to 17 diversified social service organizations with more than 400 employees. Yuen Yuen Nursing Home and Day Care Center for the Elderly (Lei Muk Shue Village) started its service on January 1, 2010. There are residential places and a day care center for the elderly.

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