Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – Mr and Mrs Au Wai Lam Memorial Day Care Centre for the Elderly

TWGHs Mr and Mrs Au Wai Lam Memorial Day Care Centre for the Elderly commenced service in June 2014. TungWah is very fortunate to have received donation from Au’s family in support of the capital cost of the Centre. In recognition of their benevolence, the centre is named “Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Mr & Mrs Au Wai Lam Memorial Day Care Centre for the Elderly.”

The Centre adopts the “Holistic Care” approach. Individualized care plan will be formulated for each elder by multi-professionals. Through diversified trainings, activities and fully equipped facilities under a comfort and joyful environment, the elder members are believed to receive all-rounded care by leading to a meaningful and dignified old age.

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