The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon – Chu Ting Cheong Home for the Aged

In the mid 18th Century, people in Kowloon City customarily conducted their trading businesses at the market located near the Lun Jin Pier. To ensure a fair trade, all goods had to be weighted by a designated scale before any deal was made. Fee was charged for this particular service.

A group of local Chinese, who managed this scale, then made use of the collected money for charitable purposes, such as providing free medical consultation to the needy and burial services to the poor dead with no charges. It was, not until 1880, a charitable organization officially established and given a name as The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon. As its initial stage, Lok Sin Tong was committed as a regional volunteer group to provide free medical services and to maintain a caring and harmonious community. The Society currently operates more than 50 subsidiary units across the region to offer a wide spectrum of quality services, including the provision of education, medical care and social welfare service. The Society has also spared no efforts to sponsor other community projects particularly in relation to social welfare and education.

Lok Sin Tong Chu Ting Cheong Home For The Aged is a government subvented combined home for the elderlies. The land was generously donated by Mr. Chu Yan Kit, according to his late father Mr. Chu Ting Cheong’s will in Spring, 1976. The Home’s construction work began in April, 1981 and started to provide services in June, 1983. To meet the service demand and policy of SWD, this aged Home has commenced its service conversion programme since 1 January 2009.

The present capacity includes placements in the Old People’s Home Section, Long-term Care Section and Infirmary Section. There are also two Respite placements for male and female elders respectively.

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